11 years ago
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My choice of vibrators and dildos

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Now what should I do with these? LOL…I do love my toys. I frequently go dildo and vibrator shopping. I’m always on the look out for a new toy. I find I’m often disappointed as the new toys seem to look a whole lot like the old toys. Maybe a little bigger or darker but not much different. Several years ago I discovered that they started making toys for women. Not toys that men liked to see women with but toys that women liked to use. They came in bright colors and shapes and they felt great. In the beginning they mostly sold them in shops that specialized in toys for womyn. Yes the spelling of womyn is on purpose. In porn videos I like to see women with huge strap on dildo’s that look like an impossibly huge dick but in private I often find myself reaching for my bright orange vibrator that does not look like a huge dick. I’m off to yoga and then I’m going shopping in my seamed stockings. Enjoy your day.

Kisses, Julia the Naughty Teacher

Click here for my xxx stockings site – See Julia the Naughty Teacher get dirty in ff stockings

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