I look so proper in my short flirty skirt and modest top. I like to show off my legs in my stockings and I know you like to look. As I bend over to let you peek at my stocking tops, my panties just pop into view. They are bright red but when you look closely there is something different about them. No, it’s not just that the suspender straps are attached. Its not that they are sturdy like a panty girdle. It seems there is something missing. The bottom. These sexy panties are bottomless and what a thrill it is to wear them. Walking around knowing my ass is exposed every time my skirt flips up or I crouch down. Would you like to see more? Then lie on the floor and I will stand over you with my legs spread. Now that is a very sexy view. I strip down to my bra panties, stockings and very high stiletto heels. I fold my bra cups under so you get a good view of my big titties. I spread my legs oh so wide as I remove my high heel and masturbate with it in my panties. I hope you are joining me because we can cum together as you look at my bottomless panties as I fuck my high heel shoe.
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